Is urticaria hereditary?

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Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 23 Mär 2021, 05:35

Is urticaria hereditary?

Beitrag von TYD212021 »

My three-year-old son has been suffering urticaria (according to the three GPs we've consulted) and I was wondering if this is hereditary. I started experiencing the same symptoms when I was 16/17 and it lasted until I was about 30/31. My son already had two episodes in the last four weeks, the latter one is still on-going and is now about two days. The antihistamines do not seem to respond. When this initially happened to me, it occurred every few weeks until it became a daily issue. I was taking antihistamines on a daily basis for about 7 years and changed brands in many occasions because my body stopped responding to the same medication at some point. My case gradually became once every year in the latter years but it still spanned over two-three month periods once triggered.

I am worried about the quality of his life if he will have the same experience as me. I am hoping however that his won't turn out as chronic and go through it for a very long time.

Appreciate sharing your experience and the experts' view on the matter.